I hated having false nails. I couldn't do the simplest things, such as typing! =DDo you find typing in false nails bloody impossible???
I've only had false nails once and I was five...I didn;t even know what they were for :P
No maybe you need to get used to them.... or maybe they are too long, are they curling over??
safe travels :-)
PMSL, i cant type anyway.
Yes!!! OMG was just thinking that!
nope its easy as pie
yeah, but i love hte clicky sounds they make as the glid across the keyboard. lol
have to get used to it. changing a diaper is hard at first too-lol
lol no
Nah, not really just keep your tip of your fingers flat and it works out fine! :)
I dont like or need fake nails but I have to kep mine pretty short compared to what Im used to just so I can type in a half fast pace. Grrr
Then they are too long get them shortened I have no problem.
you can always use your mouse in on screen keyboard.
my nails are always short
i knaw them off my nails. i cant stand having fake nails on my nails. they drive me nuts.
ROFL!!! Yeah, I seldom do mine for just that reason because I'm a writer. Only on special occasions like my birthday or some major function. I can promise you, the nails come off quickly! I even have nail clippers right here next to my computer and the minute the nails get in the way, CLIP ... CLIP ... CLIP ........!!!
oh yes jo its a pain in the **** i have a french manicure now and im always hitting the wrong letters
It's hard if they are too long... shorten 'em a bit and it should be a lot easier.
haha nope i get used to it.
im sure u wil too
I have never worn false nails I have quite long nails anyway, but they don't get in my way at all.
naw. get used to the glamour life =]]
I once had a mishap with them that caused me to lose all feeling in the upper part of one of my pinkies (I crushed it between metal and wood shelving, but it was the acrylic nail that severed the nerves) and now I will NEVER again wear them. And yes, they are hard for many things, typing being a main one...texting too).
I Never Tried...!!
I hear that
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